I spent one week in Spain, where I waited for good weather forecast to head for the Accores. I left alone out to the Atlantic ocean. It was good wind and nice weather when i left. In the middle of night i reached the shipping line where all commersial ship go, the wind increased a lot and got 3 meter high waves. It is unbelivebele many ships in the line, I think saw 20 of them, and they go close to each other. I switched on every light on my boat, and drove slalom between all the big boats. It was not easy because of the waves and wind. Sometimes i thought i had time to go in front of them, but i had to turn and go behind them many times. It took me three ours to cross the shipping line. After this i got the wind from behind and i just followed the wind.
Three days later i saw two whales far away, i run down after my camera and try to movietake them, but they was gone. People in spain told me not to worry about whales, they was not like dolphins who came close to the boat. The only danger with whales was if i came betwen a mom and baby, or drove on one, then they maybe could attack. They told me it never happens. Few minutes later i hear a high blowing sound in the front of my boat. I turned around and saw a big whale was up breathing, it was longer and more wide than my boat. I was sure that i would crash with the wale and held on to the boat, my heart knock like hell. But it went under water again and i didnt hit him.... Now what??? Will he attack me??????? Where is the other one??????? Did he swim away??? Put on one more safety line on me and start to movie, maybe he came up again. 30 second later it come up 10 -15 meter from my boat and swam beside me. I started to movie and tried to look for the other whale, still scared for what they could do. The wale swum together with me for about 4 -5 minutt and disapeared, the other wale i never saw again. The movie was not so good, to afraid to get good focus :)
Had a dream to sail in sunny and nice weather, but most of the time i had weather like this (movie). Had one night with lightning, one with rain, few our with big whawe over 10 meter (picture under), and of course one day without wind.
After 9 days i was 130 nautic mile from Acores, 3 of these day i fight against the wind in front, some days i only get 30 nautic mile a day. It was terribele, big waves and much wind, i dont want to give up. But on the 9 day, it start to blow up like hell, and the wind come from west. I take down all the sail and let the boat just follow the wind. But at night it get more and more wind, and bigger and bigger waves, it was so dark that i couldnt see the front of my boat. The waves hit the boat all time and shower the boat, and the wind make at terrible sound on the mast, it was like at lady was up there and screaming for life.
After trying calling up ship for long time, i finaly get answer, it was a american company ship. I ask him abaut the weather, will it be more wind or smaller wind. He said " What a hell are you doing here? you just turn the boat and get to hell away from here. The wind is going to be more bad, and the stom will be for 3-4 days, and after that it still will be wind from west"
Then i understand that i never will come to acores in time, so i turn the boat and start sailing to Madeira.
I was so sad..... friend should wisit me on Acores, Tom should come and sail with me to Canada, my brothers visum in Canada was going out soon.... everything was shit..
Listen to short wave radio, have a deal with Sylvia og Arne, og Hans i Sverige that they should tell me abaut the weather. Was difficult when i could not tolk to them, only listen. They have to guess where i was, and tell abaut the weather where they belive i was. But listen to this amatour radio one our every day was the highpoint, sailing many days and didnt tolk to nobody, then it was lovely to hear some people i know.
No women here :)
After the storm i start to be empty for sigaretts, and i had only bad english food on box. I call up a ship(Container ship, think it was 300 feet long) on my vhf and told them my problem, in the beginning they dont whant to help me, so i had to lie and say i dont have much food left (it was sigaretts i want) Then they help me, the ship turn and drive 20 nautic mile back to me. It was to big waves to go close to me, so they put the bags on a 200 meter long rope after theyr boat, and i must drive after and find the rope ( it was not easy, big waves and dark and in speed)) and grab the bag and cut the rope. When i after long time sudenly get the bag i was in heaven, its the best present i ever hav in my life. I think they understand it was the sigarett i want, it was not much food in the bag :)Present in atlantic :)
After 13 days at sea, i finaly see Madeira.
My family on visit.
Me and my brother in Madeira
I am now home in Norway now and work. Dont know when i go back and sail, need more money before i can sail. its not cheap to sail :)